Space Force Software Engineers


The USSF is aggressively and immediately expanding and nurturing our internal digital talent to address potential future knowledge and capabilities gaps vis-a-vis our peers and adversaries. Attending Software Development Immersive (SDI) and the follow-on Agile product development team internship prepares Guardians and USSF civilians with critical skills in software engineering to build real working programs.

Who can apply?

Available USSF Active-duty Guardians and USSF Civilians


Fully virtual training from 0900 - 1700 CST, Mon-Fri for 12 weeks*

*Some courses may be longer to accommodate the OPM Holiday schedule. Please check the course and internship dates below.


Please click to expand each section and learn about the process. You are encouraged to engage with your leadership about the program while completing the Application, Prework, and Assessment.


Click “Apply Now” to start your application. The Welcome section in Learn includes important information about the course and attendance requirements.

Fill out the Applicant Survey. All fields are required.


Begin the prework learning. The prework prepares applicants with basic programming knowledge and skills to score favorably on the assessment.

The SDI prework takes an average of 4-6 weeks to complete.


Complete Assessment 1 to receive your score profile. Your results are an indicator of your progress within the learning. If you meet the qualifying threshold, a second Assessment attempt is not required.

If you do not meet the qualifying threshold for enrollment, use your score profile to direct self-study and make an attempt on Assessment 2.


Engage with your leadership to secure release while continuing to work through the Application, Prework, and Assessment steps. The Commander Release Memo should be emailed to once signed.

  • Make sure to confirm your Command`s expectations for you following your training and internship
  • Discuss which cohort fits best with the Command's FY24 training schedule
  • Discuss the dynamic nature of your unit’s current and projected manpower status

FY25 SDI Cohorts

Course Apply By Start End*
SDI 28 16 SEP 24 30 SEP 24 21 MAR 25
SDI 29 13 JAN 25 27 JAN 25 11 JUL 25
SDI 31 16 JUN 25 30 JUN 25 12 DEC 25

SDI 28

30 SEP 24-21 MAR 25*

Apply by: 16 SEP 24

SDI 29

27 JAN 25-11 JUL 25*

Apply by: 13 JAN 25

SDI 31

30 JUN 25-12 DEC 25*

Apply by: 16 JUN 25

*End Date subject to shift due to internship.


Empty HTML Tag
  • Pair Programming
  • JS Fundamentals
  • Asynchronous Code
  • Object Orented Programming in JS
  • TDD in JS
  • HTML & CSS
Computer monitor with page centered
Front End
  • React
  • React Hooks
  • React Routing & Styling
  • React TDD
Sever rack with database icon
Back End
  • Express
  • Databases
  • Docker
Two people talking about code

Pair Programming

With the completion of each unit, students engage in a pair programming workshop.

Three people brainstorming

Group Project

With the completion of each block, students engage in a summative group application project, exemplifying skills learned for the authentic application of acquired knowledge.

Worksheet with gear


Throughout the last 2 weeks of the course, students complete and present a capstone project. Capstone projects encourage creativity and provide the opportunity to demonstrate concepts and processes from genesis to a minimum viable product.


Who can apply for and take this course?

USSF Active Duty Guardians and USSF Civilians are able to apply for the Supra Coders program.

How long is the course?

The Software Development Immersive is a 12-week* course, run fully virtually. Please note the Supra Coder program also includes a 3-month internship, separate from the initial period of instruction and classroom time.

*Some classes may run longer, in order to accommodate the OPM Holiday schedule.

What are the attendance requirements?

Attendance for the SDI course includes:

  • Presence during all class hours (0900 - 1700 CST) with the consistent use of a webcam for a live visual
  • Engagement and completion of all asynchronous learning and assignments
  • Discussion participation
  • Timely verbal/written communication with instructors
  • Active engagement with peers when paired or in a group
  • Engagement in all feedback processes, including retrospectives and surveys

Note: Attendance is essential and recorded due to the high intensity of the course.

What are SDI course requirements for completion?

Consistent attendance and participation

Completion of all assignments, activities, and projects

Full participation in Capstone project and delivery

What are the course tech requirements?

You must have a reliable internet connection, a development capable laptop, and a webcam (Video & Audio capable). Regarding operating systems, Mac is preferred and Windows running 10 or 11 OS is acceptable. If you have Linux OS, please note there will be no DevOps support. You will be responsible for getting your own support.

What location should I complete the course from, as it's fully virtual?

You must work with your leadership, as they retain administrative control during the program, to determine an appropriate location for you to complete the course. We highly encourage a workspace with minimal distractions.

What is the leave policy during the course?

Personal leave is highly discouraged during the course, due to the intensive and fast-paced nature of the learning. Missing even a single day can be detrimental to your learning.

If you have leave that is 3 days or less AND was requested at least 3 months prior to the course or the start of your application, you may reach out to the Supra Coders email to have your case considered. Please note exceptions are few and are made on a case by case basis.

Still have questions?

For questions about the application or SDI curriculum:

For questions about eligibility, internships, or Supra Coder management: